- By Agrima Pradhan, Class 9
Yes, I am a woman.
And to enter in this world,
I don’t need your permission.
I am a devi in addition.
Yes,I bleed once a month.
For that you can’t blame me in billionth.
Yes, I am tan, I am brown, I am fair,
Just respect the way I appear.
Yes, I am a beauty queen.
And I have many beautiful dreams.
I am ready to face all the criticisms,
My purpose can’t be bounded between the surfaces of the prism.
Yes, I am a mother.
I love my child unconditionally forever.
If I am happy to carry on my profession,
You can’t bother in my decision.
Yes, I am a daughter, a wife, a mother.
And the whole universe together.
In my life, I play many roles,
I manifest and touch souls.
I want to be a leader, a change maker,
I do want to rule the world.
For that I shouldn’t be raped or sold.
Likewise, I don’t want to be married for gold.
Society, I am a human being too,
Don’t you realize what have I gone through?
Don’t trivialize my power,
I am not your prey to devour.
Give me all my rights,
Let me shine the brightest in the days and nights.
Yes, I am proud to be a woman,
I celebrate my womanhood with my new definition.
Happy woman’s day to all the courageous ladies.
Come out, speak for yourself even if you’re in your eighties.
As we all know, “Who run the world?”